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International Journal of Applied Research
  • Multidisciplinary Journal
  • Printed Journal
  • Indexed Journal
  • Refereed Journal
  • Peer Reviewed Journal

ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF


Instructions to Author

Submit Manuscript at:

You may also submit papers online: Click Here

Manuscripts Submission:

Note: We accept manuscript in all languages.

  1. The articles must be original and should be submitted as an attachment to the editorial manuscript mail:
  2. Author's can also submit their article through the online submission form: Click here
  3. The font (Typing): for English (Times New Roman), for Hindi (Kruti Dev 10 or Unicode), for Kannada (Nudi 01 k or Unicode), for Bengali (STM-BNT-Arjun or Unicode), for Punjabi (Gurmukhi or ASEES or Unicode) and for all other languages, please contact us.
  4. All matter should be in font size of 12.
  5. Only Botanical, Zoological and Latin words should be in italics
  6. Download Authorship Responsibility form: Click Here

The article should be prepared by following the general layout of the journal as given below:

Preparation of Cover Letter
A cover letter mentioning that the submitted work is original, not published before and not under the publication. It should be sent along with the manuscript by the corresponding author on the behalf of co-authors to the managing editor of the journal. Provide the contact details and affiliation of two potential reviewers (Optional). Click here to download the format of a cover letter.

Preparation of full manuscript
The first page of the manuscript should include the title, name of the author(s), affiliations of author(s), e-mail of author(s) and full address of the corresponding author with e-mail and phone no./Mob. No. The title should be concise and informative.

The abstract should be not more than 300 words and should contain the gist of the entire work. Avoid using any abbreviated form in the abstract. Taxonomic authorities should not be used here. References should not be used in the abstract.
The abstract should be followed by 3 to 6 keywords.

In this portion, the main problem, selected in the study should be discussed with the relevant earlier literature and the proposed method or solution. Proper references should be used in support to the content.

Materials and Methods
The detailed experimental protocols, instruments and software etc. used in the study should be described here with their proper references. The details of the study area should also be provided.

Here the author(s) should be presented the clear and concise findings of the experiment/study. It should be written in past tense. The results should be given here without any references.

The study should be elaborately discussed with the significance of the results with the help of earlier work and reports.

The important outcomes of the study should be mentioned in this section.
Note: Results, Discussion and Conclusion can be combined if seems appropriate.

The acknowledgments of the funding body, institutional head, co-workers, field assistants, local people etc. should be briefed and declaration of any conflict of interest related to the work.

In the text, the references should be typed in Vancouver style

Journal article, up to 6 personal author(s):
1. Al-Habian A, Harikumar PE, Stocker CJ, Langlands K, Selway JL. Histochemical and immunohistochemical evaluation of mouse skin histology: comparison of fixation with neutral buffered formalin and alcoholic formalin. J Histotechnol. 2014 Dec;37(4):115-124.
Electronic journal article:
2. Poling J, Kelly L, Chan C, Fisman D, Ulanova M. Hospital admission for community-acquired pneumonia in a First Nations population. Can J Rural Med [Internet]. 2014 Fall [cited 2015 Apr 27];19(4):135-141. Available from: by selecting the PDF link in the table of contents.
Electronic journal article, 7 or more personal authors, optional DOI information:
3. Aho M, Irshad B, Ackerman SJ, Lewis M, Leddy R, Pope T, et al. Correlation of sonographic features of invasive ductal mammary carcinoma with age, tumor grade, and hormone-receptor status. J Clin Ultrasound [Internet]. 2013 Jan [cited 2015 Apr 27];41(1):10-7. Available from: DOI: 10.1002/jcu.21990

Book, personal author(s):
4. Buckingham L. Molecular diagnostics: fundamentals, methods and clinical applications. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis; c2012.
Book or pamphlet, organization as both author and publisher:
5. College of Medical Radiation Technologists of Ontario. Standards of practice. Toronto: The College; 2011.
Book, editor(s):
6. Kumar V, Abbas AK, Aster JC, editors. Robbins basic pathology. 16th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders; c2013.
Book, editor(s), specific chapter with individual author(s):
7. Altobelli N. Airway management. In: Kacmarek R, Stoller JK, Heuer AJ, editors. Egan’s fundamentals of respiratory care. 10th ed. St. Louis: Saunders Mosby; c2013. p. 732-86.
Electronic book, personal author(s), requiring password:
8. Martin A, Harbison S, Beach K, Cole P. An introduction to radiation protection [Internet]. 6th ed. London: Hodder Arnold; 2012 [cited 2015 May 28]. Available from: with authorized username and password.
Electronic book, organization as author, freely available:
9. OpenStax College. Anatomy & physiology [Internet]. Version 7.28. Houston: The College; 2013 Apr 25 [Updated 2015 May 27; cited 2015 May 28]. Available from:

Dictionary entry:
10. Stedman’s medical dictionary for the health professions and nursing. 7th ed. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; c2012. Hematoma; p. 756.
Entry in a print reference work:
11. Canadian Pharmacists Association. CPS 2013: compendium of pharmaceuticals and specialties. 48th ed. Ottawa: The Association; c2013. Atropine: Systemic; p. 297-9.
Entry in an online reference work:
12. Canadian Pharmacists Association. eCPS. [Internet]. Ottawa: The Association; 2015. Methimazole; [revised 2012 Mar; cited 2015 May 28]; [about 6 screens]. Available from: with authorized username and password.
Wiki entry:
13. Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [Internet]. St. Petersburg (FL): Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 2001 – Ebola virus epidemic in West Africa; [modified 2015 May 28; cited 2015 May 28]; [about 34 screens]. Available from:
Newspaper article:
14. Carville O. Health ‘snooping’ cases on the rise. Toronto Star. 2015 May 27:Sect. GT:1 (col. 3).
Electronic newspaper article:
15. Wisniewski M. Five babies at Chicago daycare diagnosed with measles. Globe and Mail [Internet]. 2015 Feb 5 [cited 2015 Feb 6];Life:[about 2 screens]. Available from:
Legal material (note: this is not addressed in Vancouver Style):
16. Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, S.O. 2005, c.11 [Internet]. 2009 Dec 15 [cited 2015 May 29]. Available from:
Report available on a web page:
17. Canadian Institute for Health Information. Depression among seniors in residential care [Analysis in brief on the Internet]. Ottawa: The Institute; 2010 [cited 2015 May 29]. 18 p. Available from:
Page on a website:
18. Alzheimer Society of Canada [Internet]. Toronto: The Society; c2015. Benefits of staying active; 2013 Jan 28 [cited 2015 May 29];[about 1 screen]. Available from:

Streaming video:
19. Allen S, Waerlop I. The Gait Guys talk about great toe dorsiflexion [Internet]. [place unknown]: The Gait Guys; 2014 May 11 [cited 2015 May 29]. Video: 3 min. Available from:
Electronic image:
20. Bickle I. Swallowed foreign body [radiograph]. 2014 Jul 14 [cited 2015 May 29]. In: [Internet]. [place unknown]:; c2005-2015. [about 1 screen]. Available from:
Blog post (no given name, so screen name used as an author):
21. Munkee. Nuclear Munkee. [blog on the Internet]. [place unknown]:[Munkee]; [date unknown] –. In-111 pentetreotide imaging; 2013 Mar 19 [cited 2015 May 29]; [about 3 screens]. Available from:
Poster presentation/session presented at a meeting or conference:
22. Chasman J, Kaplan RF. The effects of occupation on preserved cognitive functioning in dementia. Poster session presented at: Excellence in clinical practice. 4th Annual Conference of the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology; 2006 Jun 15-17; Philadelphia, PA..

All the figures should be in JPG/JPEG format in a word file. The figures should be with the width of 75 mm/155 mm with the resolution of 300 dpi. Figures should be numbered as they are cited in the main text. If the figure is a plate, each figure should be subdivided by using upper case letters of bold “Times New Roman” font size as required but similar in all. If a figure comprises more than one glossy photograph, these should be marked A, B, C...etc. Legends of all figures should be provided on a separate page.

Figure format:

Fig 1: ---(9 Font size, Times New Roman, Normal, Bold)

The table should be made as simple as possible. Only a few horizontal lines should be used without vertical lines in the table. All tables should be placed after references in the manuscript. Each table should be consecutively numbered in Arabic numerals with a self-descriptive heading and/or legend. Any abbreviation or symbol used in the table should be described in the legend. The same data should not be represented in tables and in graphs.

Table Format – It should be designed using table tools of MS Word and exactly same as below

Table 1: --- (9 Font size, Times New Roman, Normal, Bold)

Groups Change in bodyweight (unit)
Negative control

Tables and figures should be cited in the text in numerical order. Table 2 should not be first cited before Table 1.

Units and Symbols: The use of the International System of Units (SI) is recommended.

Physical quantity Base unit SI Symbol
Length meter m
Mass gram g
kilogram kg
microgram µg
Time second s
minute min
hour h
day d
week w
month mo
year y
Amount of substance mole mol
Area square meter m2
Volume cubic meter m3
liter l
milliliter ml
microliter µl
temperature °C

Specification Example Correct style
Use lowercase for symbols or abbreviations, Kilogram kg
Symbols are not followed by a period, exception end of sentence meter m
Do not pluralize symbols kilograms kg
When the numbers are printed symbols are preferred 100 meters 100 m
Space between number and symbol 2mol
2 mol
10 mg
Place a zero before a decimal 0.01
Decimal numbers are preferable to fractions 0.75
The space used to separate long number exception four-digit numbers 1 500 000

Other important notes
1.Use SI units and the appropriate symbols (mm for millimetre; µm for micron; s for sec; Myr for million years).
2.Use the negative index (m-1, l-1, h-1) except in cases such as 'per genera’.
3.Use symbol “×” instead of “x”.
4.Use Hyphen/dash “-” to link two words (e.g. as co-operation, 2-merous etc.)
5.Use En dash (dash with the length of the letter ‘n’) “–” to show ranges of numbers, length, width, time, pages etc. (e.g. 10–25, 2–5 cm, 4–6 months etc.)
6.Use elevation for heights of land surfaces above sea level.
7.Names of genera and species should be in italic.
8.Use abbreviation ‘sp’ (singular) / ‘spp’ (plural) for “species”; ‘subsp’ (singular) / ‘subspp’ (plural) for “subspecies”; ‘sp. nov.’ for “new species”; ‘comb. nov.’ for “new combination”; ‘gen. nov.’ for “new genus”; ‘s.s.’ for “Sensu stricto” and ‘s.l.’ for “sensu lato”; ca. for circa = about; ‘dbh’ for diameter at breast height; ‘elev.’ For “elevation”.
9.The acronym of the herbarium must be provided for each collection where they have been housed. The reference for citing the collection: NEPAL, Bardia Dist, Babai-Deurrali, 351 m, N 28º 20.934' E 81º 42.226', 23.01.2001, K. K. Shreshtha et al. 666 (TUCH).
10.The equation should be written, using ‘Equation’ feature present in ‘Insert’ option of Microsoft World.
11.Any kind of Plagiarism is prohibited in the Journal. If found guilty (before or after publication), the paper will be "Retracted" and authors will be blacklisted.
12.The format of latest published paper in the Journal can be adopted for manuscript preparation.

Review article
The summarized and up to date information on a topic will be published under this category. The article should not be more than 4500 words. For other instructions will be similar to the general guidelines.

Short communications
Any concise, new findings, important information and preliminary results can be published under this category. It should not be more than 100 words. For other instructions will be similar to the general guidelines.

Case reports
New, interesting and rare cases can be reported. They should be unique, describing a great diagnostic or therapeutic challenge and providing a learning point for the readers. Cases with clinical significance or implications will be given priority. These communications could be of up to 2000 words and should have the following headings: Abstract (unstructured), Key-words, Introduction, case report, Discussion, Reference, Tables and Legends in that order.

The manuscript could be supported with up to 10 references. Case Reports could be authored by up to 6 authors.

Letter to the Editor:
These should be short and decisive observations. They should preferably be related to articles previously published in the Journal or views expressed in the journal. They should not be preliminary observations that need a later paper for validation. The letter could have up to 800 words and 5-10 references. It could be generally authored by not more than 6 authors.

All the Services, are governed by and constructed in accordance with the laws of India, without reference to conflict of laws principles and you irrevocably and unconditionally submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Delhi, Delhi, India. For any dispute or related violence, it will be discussed and considered only in front of ‘Judiciary of Delhi’ at Delhi, India.

Publication Ethics
Authors involving in the usage of experimental animals and human subjects in their research article should seek approval from the appropriate Ethical committee in accordance with "Principles of Laboratory Animal Care". The Method section of the manuscript should include a statement to prove that the investigation was approved and that informed consent was obtained.

Role of Editors: The role of the editors is to evaluate the suitability of submitted manuscripts for the journal, including: (a) the quality of the manuscript, (b) whether it meets the Aims and Scope of the journal, and (c) the originality of the work. The editors will not disclose information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers or potential reviewers, or other members of the editorial board. Editors will ensure the prompt handling of the review process. Editors will evaluate the merit of manuscripts for intellectual content without regard to race, gender, country of origin, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation.

Role of Reviewers: Peer review is essential to the journal in assisting in making editorial decisions and assisting authors in manuscript improvement. Reviewers should point out relevant publications not cited in the manuscript and point out any similarities with previously published works. Reviewers should not consider manuscripts with conflicts of interest, competitive, financial, or collaborative. If a potential reviewer feels unqualified to review the manuscript, that reviewer should notify the editors immediately and decline the review. Manuscripts received for review will be treated as confidential documents and not shown or discussed with other without authorization from the editors. Authors should expect to receive reviewer reports in a prompt manner, normally within three weeks. Reviewer misconduct (breach of confidentiality, delay of peer review, plagiarism, or conflicts of interest) will not be tolerated.

Role of Authors: Authors of original research (not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere) should be an accurate presentation of the work carried out, a discussion of the significance of the work in context with previous works, and should contain sufficient experimental detail to allow others to replicate the work. Appropriate citation of previously published works must always be included. Authors should disclose any financial or other conflicts of interest that may be construed as influencing the data or interpretation. All sources of financial support should be disclosed. Authorship should be limited to those persons who have made a significant contribution to the work in terms of conception, design, experimental implementation, and data analysis and interpretation. All persons making significant contributions should be included as co-authors. If an author discovers a significant error in the published work, the author is obligated to inform the journal editor in order to either correct or retract the paper.

Role of the Publisher: In cases of proven scientific misconduct, plagiarism, or fraudulent publication, the publisher, in collaboration with the editorial board, will take appropriate action to clarify the situation, publish an erratum, or retract the work in question.

Instructions to Reviewer
Criteria for Reviewing: Reviewers could judge any manuscript on the basis of following criteria:
  • Format of the Article: Any major divergence from the standard manuscript format should be indicated.
  • Technical Presentation: The research article should be technically presented instead of being presented as a story. Mere repetition of past work should not be accepted. You can look for conceptual advancement over previously published work. Any major omission of the previously published findings on the similar problem must be checked.
  • Interpretation of Result: The discussion should hover around the result and should not include irrelevant and unachievable statement.
  • Statistical Presentation: Proper statistics should be applied over the data wherever found necessary.
  • Plagiarism of Data: Data showing any type of suspicion, duplication and manipulation must be brought to the notice of the author(s).
  • Summary: Pin point the strength and weakness of the article considering potential importance of the work in the context of present and future.
  • Conclusion: At the end reviewer(s) can recommend necessary corrections needed to accept the paper, if they are actually required, else recommend it for publication. If found unsuitable the paper should be declared as unacceptable for publication.

Publication Policy
The journal employs the double-blind peer review process, where both reviewers and authors remain anonymous throughout the review process.

Every proposal submitted for publication is read at least by an editor, for an initial review. If the paper agrees with editorial policies and with a minimum quality level, is sent to two reviewers. The reviewers won't know the author's identity, as any identifying information will be stripped from the document before review.

Reviewers' comments to the editors are confidential and before passing on to the author will made anonymous. Based on the reviewers' comments, the Editorial Board makes a final decision on the acceptability of the manuscript, and communicates to the authors the decision, along with referees' reports. Whether significant revisions are proposed, acceptance is dependent on whether the author can deal with those satisfactorily.

Publication Frequency
Journal frequency is monthly and publish 12 issue in a year.

Publication Year
Journal started from December, 2014.

Publication Charges
Journal levies submission charges: NIL
Publication fees: Rs 1500 for Indian Author and USD 50 for authors from rest of world.

Publication Regularly
This Journal is publish regularly from December, 2014 and monthly regularly.

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